Sustainability in Zootechnics

What do we do for our animals?

With every action we pursue the welfare of our farm animals. Related to genetics, nutrition, but also to the results obtained by us, we can say that the orientation of the farm is in trend with the top animal husbandry structures at the European level.

One of the lines that we follow flawlessly defines investments in feed efficiency so that our animals benefit from the Ecofeed Nutritional System. Sustainability, in this case, refers to the reduced feed ratio but with increased production results without an intensive process that could stress or destabilize the animal.

Our farm, part of the Panifcom Group of Companies, has a nutritionist dedicated to adapting the feed as well as the dietary well-being of the animals. From a nutritional point of view, the feeding is controlled both in terms of nutrients and in portion so that the breed we raise, the Holstein, keeps its genetic characteristics unaltered. Currently we have over 2,100 heads and of these, an impressive percentage is part of the world elite, summing up the representative genetic peaks of the breed.

Also based on the well-being and comfort of the animals on the farm, we implemented the Flexfeed System, a system that allows feeding without stress and with a high degree of practicality. All this constant care for our animals has become like a kind of responsibility assumed but applied with great love.

Another specific example of sustainability within our farm refers to permanent investments in care for the environment, the last purchase in 2021 being a manure sterilization equipment. This equipment converts much of the litter produced by the animals into a new form of bedding for them, dry and sterilized bedding.

“The Panifcom cow farm is indisputably one of the most progressive cow farms in the region, this being confirmed by the large number of animals with excellent genetic value. Panifcom’s cows are part of an extensive program of genomic testing carried out with the support of the Neogen laboratory in Scotland and the CDCB Agency in the United States.

From the point of view of developing a uniform herd, perfectly adapted to an extremely demanding biological material market, the activity of the Panifcom farm is based on two basic pillars:

  1. Health status
  2. Genetic progress

Health status: the farm is free of most diseases with economic impact, being a preferred partner of many bull centers in the region. The bulls obtained in the Panifcom farm are transferred at the age of 6 months to the BOS Genetic bull center in Hungary, becoming valuable breeders, their semen being distributed to a large number of farmers in Romania.

Genetic progress: it is a strategic point in the management vision of the Panifcom farm, genomic testing, pair matching and embryo transfer being commonly used tools” Ionuț Lupu – president of the Association of Holstein Cow Breeders RO.