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PANIFCOM celebrates 100 Years of Diligence and Persistence in the Food Industry

PANIFCOM celebrates a century of excellence in the food industry in 2024 and, to mark this special moment, opened its doors to partners, customers and representatives of the local community. The event included detailed presentations about the company’s history and achievements, as well as a step-by-step walk through the Bread Road, tracing the connection between the four branches of activity.
The participants had the opportunity to see the production processes up close and understand how innovation and tradition merge within the company.
Over 100 years, PANIFCOM has evolved from a family business to a recognized leader in bread making, milling, animal husbandry and vegetable agriculture, always maintaining its core values: quality, innovation and commitment to the community.
It is a sustainable business model in Moldova, a homogeneous ecosystem with 4 branches of activity, interconnected but independent.
Figures of 2023 worth mentioning: 100,000 loaves of bread daily, 4,000 hectares of cultivated land, 1,000 hectares of irrigated land, more than 2,000 Holstein cows, approximately 350 employees, and last year’s turnover was 30,984 .197 Euros.

Outstanding Achievements:

  • PANIFCOM constantly innovated by producing the first sliced ​​and packaged bread in Iași
  • PANIFCOM created the first bread packed with Clean Recipe in Romania.
  • PANIFCOM cow farm is one of the most progressive cow farms in the country, which is confirmed by the large number of animals with excellent genetic value.
  • PANIFCOM applies all available technologies in the vegetable farm – no till, crop rotation, digitization, as the health of the earth is the health of everyone.

Panifcom bread factory in numbers

• 3 production lines, fully automated
• Production capacity of 10 thousand loaves per hour
• Flour storage capacity: 350 tons (necessary for 10 days)
• Natural yeast plant of 12,500 liters
• 250 employees
• 870 photovoltaic panels, 400 kw
“It is an honor and a privilege to celebrate 100 years of hard work and perseverance. Our success is due to the dedication and hard work of our team of professionals, strong partnerships and the continued support of the community. We are committed to continuing to provide high quality, healthy and to contribute to the sustainable development of the food industry,” said Cristina POTOLINCĂ, Executive Director of the bread factory.

Livestock farm Panifcom in figures

  • Over 2000 cows, 800 of which are milking
  • Top genetic value with specimens reaching 3000 TPI
  • Productivity of 47 kg/milk per day per cow

“With every action we follow the well-being of our farm animals. Compared to genetics, nutrition, but also to the results obtained by us, we can say that the orientation of the farm is in trend with the top zootechnical structures at the European level” – said Lucian Chelariu, livestock farm manager Panifcom.
“At Panifcom, we discovered an exceptional farm, a farm of dairy cows that is part of the genealogical register, a farm that has invested decades in breeding, hence the remarkable results. That is, animals that can successfully face an international exhibition, not only in Romania. Panifcom is one of the best farms in Romania in terms of milk production and the genetic quality of the farm’s animals, which, as I told you, can compete with other farms. I want to tell you that today or during this period we are trying to close a circle through what genetics means.” – said the general director of ANZ, Florinel Bîrcă, during the Panifcom Farm presentation event.

Panifcom vegetable farm in figures

  • Cultivated surface of 4000 ha
  • 1000 ha irrigated
  • Reduction of pesticide doses by up to 33%
    “In our vegetable farm we use modern technologies and new agricultural methods to optimally and sustainably use resources. We use no-till technology, we have optimized the use of fertilizers, we use digitized everything that could be digitized, we use the diversity and rotation of crops, we use organic fertilizers from the Panifcom farm because we know that the health of the soil is our health” – said Cătălin Parii, technical director of the farm vegetable during the event.

The Panifcom mill in numbers

  • 100 tons of milled wheat daily
  • 1078 photovoltaic panels
    “Approximately 95% of the mill’s production is destined for PANIFCOM Iași, and 5% of the amount of flour obtained at the mill is delivered to local producers who own artisan bakeries” – told us Alina Luchian, Panifcom mill technical director.

PANIFCOM represents a benchmark in the food industry in Moldova, with a diversified portfolio and a strong commitment to innovation

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