Terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions of Use

The website www.panifcom.com is owned by Panifcom SRL, located in Iasi, Calea Chișinăului No. 29. This document sets out the terms and conditions under which you may use the website www.panifcom.com.

Access and use of the website www.panifcom.com are subject to these rules, under the terms and conditions below. Use of the site, logging in, and accessing services implies acceptance of these terms and conditions, with all the consequences that follow from this acceptance.

  1. Access The permitted purpose for using the site is to obtain information about Panifcom products. Any other use is not allowed.

To gain access to the site and therefore to the services and information provided through it, you must obtain access to the World Wide Web, directly or through other devices that can access Internet services, paying any fees associated with this access. Additionally, you must have all the equipment necessary to make this connection to the World Wide Web, including a computer and a modem or other access equipment.

The term “user” refers to any individual or legal entity that accesses these sites.

  1. Copyright, Trademark, and Intellectual Property The copyright for the information on the site is owned by Panifcom SRL. No material on these sites may be reproduced partially, entirely, or modified without prior explicit permission through a written agreement with Panifcom SRL.

The content of these sites, texts, graphics, photos, software, logos, and any other materials present on the sites are protected by copyright law and are the property of Panifcom SRL.

It is prohibited to create links to the site from other sites or vice versa without prior written agreement. In cases where this happens without the explicit written consent of Panifcom SRL, we do not assume responsibility for unaffiliated sites that may be linked, for materials posted on this site by other persons than those authorized by Panifcom SRL, and we reserve the right to request sanctions according to the legislation in force for any such actions that do not have prior agreement.

Reproduction, copying, multiplication, selling, reselling, or exploiting a part of the services, access, or use of the services or information provided by the site panifcom.ro through the sites in a manner that violates Romanian or international copyright and intellectual property law entails civil or criminal liability for such actions.

Panifcom SRL reserves the right to prevent by any means the contact and use of this site and to request sanctions according to the legislation in force of the persons involved if there is evidence that the purpose is the destruction or alteration of the site, its content or security, or the attempt to attack or discredit Panifcom SRL, its products, services, and employees.

Any potential dispute related to these sites is under the jurisdiction of the common law courts in Romania.

  1. Rules of Use: The following are not allowed:
  • Copying, multiplying, distributing, archiving, or storing by any means, including electronic, magnetic, or computerized, the materials and information existing on these sites;
  • Attempting to intervene by any means in the content of this site, deleting or modifying by any means the materials and information published, or attempting to act for this purpose;
  • Using any email addresses published through the site for distribution on mailing lists or for sending commercial emails (spamming) or for any other purpose other than sending justified personal emails, without the written consent of the owners of these addresses.

Violation of any of these rules entails civil or criminal liability.

  1. Service Availability Panifcom SRL reserves the right to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, partially or in whole, the services provided through these sites, with or without prior notice.

Panifcom SRL is not liable to the user, any third party, or any institution for the modification, suspension, or discontinuation of the services available.

Panifcom SRL can change at any time the content and conditions of use of the site panifcom.ro.

The new conditions become valid when they are made public by inscription on these sites and are not retroactive.

  1. Disclaimer By accepting to use the site panifcom.ro, you expressly and implicitly declare that you understand and agree with the following:
  • Use of the site is done at your own risk. Panifcom SRL expressly disclaims all liabilities of any kind, expressed directly or indirectly, including, but not limited to, indirect warranties of sale or conformity with specifications for a particular purpose.
  • Panifcom SRL does not offer any guarantee that:
    • The information will meet all your requirements;
    • The services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free;
    • The results that can be obtained from using the site information will be correct or reliable;
    • The quality of any products, services, information, or other materials purchased or obtained by you through the sites will meet all requirements;
    • Any software error will be corrected.

The user is solely responsible for any damages caused to computer systems or network from which they access the sites or for any loss of data that could result from downloading information and services from the site content.

  1. Limitation of Liability Panifcom SRL will not be liable for any kind of direct, indirect, accidental, special damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profit, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible or immeasurable losses (even if Panifcom SRL has been informed beforehand of the possibility of such losses), resulting from:
  • The use or impossibility of using the site information;
  • Unauthorized access to, or alteration of the user’s transmissions or data;
  • Statements or actions of any third party on the site services;
  • Any other problem related to the site services.

If it is considered that any material made available on panifcom.ro, posted by Panifcom SRL, violates copyright or any other rights, it is necessary to report this situation to office@panifcom.ro.

For the sections of the site that may include readers’ opinions, the responsibility for the content of the opinions rests entirely with their authors. Panifcom SRL reserves the right not to publish opinions that contravene the terms and conditions of use or which it considers harmful, in any form, to its own image, partners, or third parties.

  1. Competitions/Surveys/Promotions We may obtain information about you when you participate in a competition or promotion on the site panifcom.ro. Participation in these competitions, surveys, or promotions is entirely voluntary. By participating in these actions, we inform you that we may collect information about your use of our services, information about the marketing messages we send you, and how you respond to them. If you contact us for any reason (to report an error on the site, for example), we may keep a record of this correspondence, which may include personal data (name, surname, email).

We may collaborate with third-party advertising networks and market research companies to present you with advertisements through online services or to help us evaluate the use of online services, view ads, and other types of content. Such collaborations may mean that these third-party companies can view, edit, or set their own tracking technologies/cookies. This will allow them to collect information about how you interact with the content and advertisements while using the site panifcom.ro. The use of these technologies by third-party companies is subject to their own privacy policies and is not covered by this privacy policy.

Children The online services are not designed or intended for use by children under the age of 13.

  1. User Rights and Choices Advertising/cookies and similar technologies: For information about the use of cookies on the site panifcom.ro, including options to disable cookies, please see the dedicated cookies page on our site.
  2. Updating the Privacy Policy The privacy policy may be revised periodically. Revisions regarding how we collect or use personal data will be announced by posting the revised version online. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of use of the site panifcom.ro and, implicitly, the privacy policy, in whole or in part, please stop using our services.

Contact Us! For any questions regarding the Terms and Conditions of Use of the site, please contact us at office@panifcom.ro.

Panifcom SRL does not assume any responsibility for situations where the user publishes their address or any other personal data, on their own initiative, in a public message.




The information presented on these sites serves educational and informational purposes. Under no circumstances do these informations serve as a diagnosis, nor do they substitute or exclude medical consultation.